Q&A: Political reporter on the recall election of Wis. Gov. Scott Walker

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker appears at a news conference Friday, March 23, 2012, in Stillwater, Minn. Walker is targeted for recall after he pushed through a law last year that seriously restricted collective bargaining rights for most Wisconsin state workers.
MPR photo/Jennifer Simonson

Tom Crann from MPR News All Things Considered speaks with Patrick Marley, political reporter for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about the upcoming recall election for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

The Wisconsin Government Accountability board officially manages elections in the state. They voted unanimously to certify the more than 900,000 signatures collected on petitions to force the June 5 vote.

The move has been expected for weeks given the high number of signatures gathered between November and January. It was necessary to collect 540,000 signatures to trigger the recall.

Walker is a first-term Republican. He was targeted for recall after he pushed through a law last year that seriously restricted collective bargaining rights for most Wisconsin state workers.