Statewide Blog

Battle over invasives emerges in court; Santorum waits for Wisconsin

Invasive species war spills into court

Star Tribune: "As efforts to fight zebra mussels and other invasives heat up, some argue that a Minnesota birthright is at stake: Unfettered access to lakes and rivers."

Santorum ignores pressure to bow out to Romney

New York Times: "The race isn't over until the people of Wisconsin sing," Mr. Santorum said. "We need you to sing a week from Tuesday."

Fresh and local salad greens feed students in Willmar

West Central Tribune: Willmar High School students enjoy year-round veggies. "The greens came from the Willmar Community Greenhouse located at the MinnWest Technology Campus. Operated by the school district and staffed partly by volunteer students, the greenhouse is providing fresh vegetables and salad greens for the district's food service program."

Like fresh produce? Buy yourself a share

Duluth News Tribune: "CSA farms, which sell shares to consumers for a summer's worth of produce, grow in popularity."

Family's move puts Rep. Chip Cravaack in a political bind

Star Tribune: "He campaigned against Oberstar calling the Democrat out of touch."

Marilyn Hagerty: Messages are good, bad and ugly when you go viral

Forum of Fargo Moorhead: "You are a dolt and the main reason why North Dakota is viewed as being a backwoods dump. The Olive Garden is the McDonald's of dining...A touch of Europe? Ha! Why don't you take a vacation and visit New York or San Francisco and see what real people eat?"

Meet the worst bike lane in the Midwest

Twin City Sidewalks: "I'm sure the battle for 'worst bike lane in the Midwest' is a contentious one. The USA is riddled with terrible bicycle infrastructure, from sea to shining sea."

BNSF warns of rail yard dangers following discovery of body

Grand Forks Herald: "Notifications of relatives of the person found dead along railroad tracks in the BNSF Railway yard in Grand Forks Saturday morning weren't complete yet Sunday, a police sergeant said."

St. Paul Saints stadium backers want Lowertown's artists on their team

Twin Cities: "While the St. Paul Saints hope for $27 million from the state to build a new ballpark in Lowertown, team owners are promising to get creative with their artsy new neighbors should the money come in for the new digs."

Sparks don't fly as candidates meet

Duluth News Tribune: "U.S. Rep. Chip Cravaack got a visit Thursday from a group of Ely high school students and their chaperone, who just happens to want Cravaack's job."

Look like John Goodman? The Coens have a job for you

Star Tribune: "Ever wondered what size pants John Goodman wears? Here's hoping you haven't, but just in case, that capacious bit of trivia -- 56-inch waist -- just crossed our desk in a press release about the latest production by Joel and Ethan Coen."

American Spirit leaves winter layup

Duluth Shipping News: "She battled a thick fog but the American Sprit had no trouble getting through the Duluth Harbor, under the Duluth Aerial Lift Bridge and out to Lake Superior on her way to load iron ore pellets in Two Harbors."