Bachmann to vote 'no' on extension of payroll tax cut

Republican presidential hopeful Michele
Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann speaks during a campaign event in Tama, Iowa, on Dec. 22, 2011.

Congress is scheduled to vote today on a bill to extend a payroll tax holiday. Earlier this week congressional negotiators reached a deal, and the bill is expected to pass. But Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann says she plans to vote "no" on the bill.

In an interview with MPR News, Bachmann called the deal a "temporary gimmick" that threatens Social Security.

Looking at the Republican presidential race that she quit last month after a dismal showing in the Iowa caucuses, Bachmann also said that former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum's gain in popularity is the result of social conservatives rising up against the Democratic-led health care overhaul.

Bachmann said conservatives were energized most recently over the controversy about providing birth control under the new health care law.

Bachmann also said she has not endorsed anyone in the race, although she is not ruling out making an endorsement at some point.

"I want to bring together the tea party Republicans, evangelicals, the mainstream Republicans, independents and disaffected Democrats," she said. "People want the country to work. People in Minnesota are very practical and that's what I intend to be -- a unifying voice"

Bachmann plans to run for reelection to Congress. Next week she finds out what her new district boundaries will be when the state's proposed redistricting maps are published.