Statewide Blog

Baby’s near death renews call for vaccinations, Essar growth spurs pollution concerns, seed scarcity

Mother warns parents to vaccinate after baby's near death

WCCO: "A Minnesota mother is pushing all parents to vaccinate their kids after a case of whooping cough put her baby in intensive care for nearly a month. 'This didn't have to happen and we're so, so fortunate that we have a happy ending but it could have been so much worse,' said Emily Stevenson."

Residents still concerned as Essar plans to ramp up

WDIO: "Folks came to learn about the permit on Thursday at the Nashwauk-Keewatin High School. It would allow the company to ramp up their taconite production at the plant site in Nashwauk. Currently, they're permitted for around four million tons per year. They'd like to go to 6.5 million tons."

Same-sex Fargo couple denied marriage license, but hope others are spurred to action

Forum of Fargo Moorhead: "'Guess why we're here?' Lenny Tweeden wryly asked Cass County Treasurer Charlotte Sandvik as he stepped up to the courthouse counter on Thursday afternoon."

Seed scarcity could stall corn farmers eager to plant

MPR News: "After a year of extraordinary profits pushed by high corn prices, Minnesota farmers are looking forward to planting season. But their hopes of another strong season may be threatened by a growing scarcity of seed corn."

Reinert to governor: Put Vikings stadium in Duluth

Duluth News Tribune: "State Sen. Roger Reinert is throwing a fourth-down Hail Mary pass with just seconds left on the clock today as he sends Gov. Mark Dayton a letter suggesting a new Minnesota Vikings football stadium be built in Duluth." Also from the DNT: "So far, Reinert is on his own. No other Duluth official has signed the letter. And the Vikings hadn't heard of the plan until Thursday afternoon. ... 'We're three weeks into a 10-week legislative session and we are running out of time to start vetting new sites,' said Vikings VP Lester Bagley."

Ground Level: "We love it on the Iron Range," 27-year-old Catherine Branville said. "Both of our families are from here and we knew eventually we wanted to come back this way. We needed the right opportunity and job. The store went up for sale and it all ironically fell into place. It gave us the opportunity to come back for a reason. We both have Scandinavian heritage, so the store was an interesting fit for us."

Property taxes could rise if a constitutional supermajority amendment is adopted

Minnesota Budget Project: "Our report warns that restricting legislators' ability to raise taxes would make it harder to provide the services that residents want and value. Policymakers would look for ways to fund services that don't need supermajority votes. Past experience has shown that the inability to raise taxes at the state level in Minnesota leads to more pressure on tuition, fees and property taxes."