Statewide Blog

Reps. Bachmann and Ellison join on SOPA/PIPA, continued bonding bill reaction, Foley’s cops is among the organizations opposed to proposed Internet regulations.

The Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA) and Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) are in the spotlight today as opponents to the measures, including Wikipedia and Google, blackout their websites to protest the proposed legislation that would give the U.S. Government more power to regulate the Internet. The lobbying effort pits Hollywood against Silicon Valley. It is also making for unlikely alliances among some Minnesota lawmakers.

Politico: "Google and First Amendment scholars like Harvard's Lawrence Tribe argue that SOPA would squelch free speech by giving private parties power to effectively cripple sites that allegedly -- but not conclusively -- steal copyrighted content. The simple filing of a complaint, they say, would exert huge pressure on the Internet ecosystem to blacklist an accused site. They also say it would give the feds dangerous new powers to go after sites for political reasons.

"Nonsense, supporters say. The bills, they say, are narrowly crafted to target overseas sites that are 'dedicated to theft of U.S. property.' Web companies are resorting to hyperbole and hysteria to maintain the status quo, backers argue."

Support: Sens. Klobuchar, Franken

Oppose: Reps. Bachmann, Ellison

Today's Question: Where do you stand on the Stop Online Privacy Act?

Poynter rounds-up blacked out websites.

Bonding bill

Gov. Mark Dayton's proposed $775 million bonding bill continues drive a significant portion of news coverage around the state.

Langseth: Not enough for flood projects in Dayton's proposal

Forum of Fargo Moorhead: "State Sen. Keith Langseth, DFL-Glyndon, said Dayton's proposal of $20 million for flood hazard mitigation doesn't come close to meeting the state's needs. 'We're not going to be able to do much with that,' said Langseth, who remained in the Senate this term to make sure flood needs were met. 'I'd like to have quite a bit more than that.'"

Dayton's bonding proposal gives nod to civic center, prison

St Cloud Times: "St. Cloud has cleared one hurdle that prevented it from getting state bonding money in the past for its civic center expansion -- a recommendation from the governor."

MPR News: "Republican legislative leaders were quick to criticize Dayton's proposal, but they appeared to be moving at their own, slower pace on a bonding bill. House Majority leader Matt Dean of Dellwood isn't convinced that a bonding bill is needed this session. 'We're not constitutionally obligated to a bonding bill. We passed a bonding bill last year, and certainly we have the capacity to do so again, and our bonding committee is working hard, but we have had sessions in the past where we have not passed them,' Dean said. 'We are not obligated to do so, by any means.'"

Initial local reaction can be found here, the Daily Digest runs additional reaction this morning. To keep tabs on proposals and reaction follow MN Today's "legislature" stories.

Also on MN Today

Foley eyes police options, plans Benton meeting

St Cloud Times: "The city of Foley will examine proposals for restarting its police department and using community service officers while it tries to restart discussions with Benton County for law enforcement protection."

UND coach apologizes to NDSU for 'racist blowhards' remark

Forum of Fargo Moorhead: "Veteran University of North Dakota women's basketball coach Gene Roebuck this morning apologized to North Dakota State President Dean Bresciani over remarks he made at a UND booster luncheon last Friday."