Dayton: Arden Hills stadium not ruled out, despite reports

Gov. Mark Dayton says his administration hasn't ruled out a potential Vikings stadium in Arden Hills, despite media reports that other state officials may have.

The Star Tribune reported over the weekend that unnamed stadium negotiators have told the Vikings to give up the deal they struck with Ramsey County in May.

But Dayton said this morning that he still considers the former Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant site a contender in the stadium race.

"I can't answer to what other people in my administration may have said to whomever," Dayton said. "I have said very clearly and consistently that I can't make a decision until we get all the information we've asked for by the end of Thursday."

The governor set a deadline last week for a last, best offer from potential hosts of a new Vikings stadium, including the city of Minneapolis and Ramsey County.