Statewide Blog

60 Schwan workers to lose jobs, signs of invasive carp spreading, North Dakota as ‘Petrostate’

Another round of Schwan layoffs

"Approximately 60 Schwan Food Co. employees were notified Thursday that their position with the company has been eliminated.Schwan said the moves, which will affect employees in the company's Marshall and Bloomington offices, are part of a cost-reduction initiative," reports the Marshall Independent.

Tests suggest Asian carp spread north of key dam

AP: "Minnesota officials say tests have detected signs of Asian carp north of the Coon Rapids dam on the Mississippi River, the last major physical barrier to their spread northward."

Are Tea Partiers racists?

"There is consistent and strong evidence of a correlation between racial negativity and Tea Party identification," MinnPost quotes University of Minnesota Prof Howard Lavine.

Duluth dives into Minnesota's gay marriage debate

Next year, Minnesota voters will decide whether to approve a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. About 200 opponents of the amendment rallied Wednesday afternoon at the University of Minnesota Duluth," reports John Meyers in the Duluth News Tribune.

Op-Ed: To city and school elected officials: Thank you

"Local elected officials are not thanked enough," writes Paul Groessel in Sun Newspapers. "They spend a lot of time outside of their full-time jobs and away from families. They sort through issues that you don't have to worry about. The majority of their time is spent doing thankless, unrecognized work."

North Dakota: The rise of an American Petrostate

"North Dakota is suing Minnesota, alleging the Land of 10,000 Lakes is discriminating against it because it is black. Lignite black. Lignite coal black. The lawsuit contends that the Next Generation Energy Act," writes Abe Sauer in The Awl. Sauer also provides and interesting glimpse into the Bakken Oil operations.

Disability a focus as school bullying protections grow

"Nearly all states now have laws prohibiting school bullying, but just 16 offer specific protections for those with disabilities," concludes Disability Scoop.

Op-Ed: Let's send a stronger message to school bullies

Alexandria Echo Press: "Minnesota needs to take a tougher stand against bullies. A new law would help do it. It's being proposed by Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson and it's patterned after one passed in North Dakota on a bipartisan basis earlier this year."

From B student to bully target

"14-year-old Jasmine Gonzalez went from being a cheerleader for football and basketball and a B and C student at the middle school in Charles City, Iowa, last year to being an F student and an outcast in Albert Lea this year," writes Tim Engstrom in the Albert Lea Tribune.

Minnesota Scenes

A view from downtown St. Paul by Josh Ebbers via Flickr.
