Statewide Blog

Cruising for transportation funds, Vikes big on TV, invasive melodies

Minnesota's transportation system needs more money

Just three years after the passage of a major state transportation funding bill, Minnesota transportation advocates are beginning a public education campaign for another increase in funding to address what they see as major unmet needs (MinnPost).

TV ratings frame stadium debate

Both the Vikings and stadium critics are using the team's high television ratings to argue the merits of using public money for the project (Star Tribune).

Farmington city council plans big budget cuts

In a complete reversal from last summer's proposal of a nearly $1 million increase in the tax levy, Farmington City Council members gave the nod to $162,500 in cuts from the proposed 2012 budget (Farmington Independent).

Minnesota judge puts NBA court proceedings on hold

A Minnesota federal judge has put the legal fight between the NBA's players and owners on hold to give the two sides time to finish their collective bargaining agreement (AP).

Study: More young jail inmates using prescription painkillers

The youngest men booked into the Hennepin County Jail are increasingly testing positive for prescription painkillers, while there's a drop in cocaine and methamphetamine use, according to a new federal study (Star Tribune).

Covering the Anti-Romney: a five-month week-by-week media analysis of the GOP field

Mitt Romney has been mentioned in the most broadcast reports among the Republican field for just four of the last 22 weeks (Smart Politics).

A group of fisherman-musicians have pooled together a set of folksy songs to encourage anglers to ensure they aren't contributing to the spread of invasive species. Too bad none of them sound like Bon Iver covering Bob Dylan's "With God on Our Side."

Bon Iver - "With God On Our Side" (Bob Dylan Cover) by