Statewide Blog

Saving Thanksgiving, sick-time bonus, Minn. children falling behind

Northfield Target employee to deliver 'Save Thanksgiving' petition to CEO Gregg Steinhafel

On Monday afternoon, Seth Coleman, a seasonal Target employee in Northfield, will deliver a hard copy version of the "Save Thanksgiving" petition to the retailer's headquarters on Nicollet Mall (City Pages).

Sick-time payouts spike as Minnesota state employee retirements rise

State of Minnesota employees can go into retirement with an extra nest egg that's almost unheard of in the private sector.Some get $100 or less. A few get more than $100,000. Most take home $10,000 to $30,000 (Pioneer Press).

Several Duluth Occupiers dig in their heels

In spite of a police demand that protesters clear the Duluth Civic Center courtyard by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, several demonstrators were busy making preparations to spend the night (Duluth News Tribune). ​Occupy protesters moved into a foreclosed south Minneapolis home Saturday night.The protest almost failed at the beginning: two occupiers were arrested after police descended on the house to evict the demonstrators (City Pages).

Monticello nuclear plant shuts down automatically

The Monticello nuclear power plant was automatically shut down over the weekend as a result of safety concerns, Xcel Energy officials said Sunday (Star Tribune).

Achievement gap exists for kids even before kindergarten

The study finds children of color and those who live in poverty are less likely to be considered ready for kindergarten than white students and those living above the poverty line (MPR News). Only a little more than half of the Minnesota children who started kindergarten in 2010 were ready for the experience, according to a study released today (Saint Cloud Times).

Minnesota Power looks at less coal

Even as Minnesota Power plunges headlong toward making more electricity from hydroelectric dams and wind turbines, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission is asking for much more from the Duluth-based utility, including a study on how to shut down two of its coal-burning power plants (Duluth News Tribune).

St. Cloud-area legislators warm toward state gambling

It's a move that could defy their party's platform, alienate key constituencies or land the state in court.Yet many St. Cloud-area legislators are eying proposals to expand gambling in Minnesota (Saint Cloud Times).

The big money behind Block E stays out of view

Irv Kessler avoids the public eye, but he's the largest investor in the site proposed for a casino (Star Tribune).

Proposed DFL redistricting map irks McCollum

The Minnesota DFL Party submitted a congressional redistricting plan Friday that would place Democratic Rep. Betty McCollum into a district with GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann (MPR News). DFLers decry redistricting plan of ... DFL (Star Tribune).

Vikings test new security, fans give bad reviews

Some of those fans we talked to told us they were angry that they missed most of the first quarter due to the delay from using the metal detectors (KSTP).

David Bedford and SweeTango apples

Building a better apple (New Yorker).

Bachmann to have 4th meeting with Donald Trump on Monday in New York

Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann will meet with real estate mogul Donald Trump on Monday in New York City, her spokeswoman said Sunday (CNN).

14-year-old Paula Shires of Bovey tears it up on the Chemielewski Fun Time show

It's ladies' night and the feeling is right. Hats off to Paul Broman for finding this video (Perfect Duluth Day).