Statewide Blog

High-speed rail: next stop Winona, Minnesota Independent unplugged

High speed rail will bypass Minnesota's third largest city, Rochester, according to a recently approved recommendation by the Federal Railroad Administration.

The approved route would follow the existing Amtrak route that traces the Mississippi River between La Cross and St Paul.

"It's our view that this preferred route isn't just a plus for cities along the line but for the whole state," said Winona Mayor Jerry Miller, who chairs the Minnesota High-Speed Rail Commission and has spent years tirelessly advocating for the route (Winona Daily News).

The Rochester Post Bulletin reports local lawmakers are calling the plan "short sighted."

Also on MN Today

On Sunday, Congressman Tim Walz had just four colleagues among the 535 members of the House and Senate who had signed on to his bill prohibiting insider trading on Capitol Hill.

By Tuesday night, the number was approaching 35 and growing.

Walz hadn't become suddenly more persuasive over the weekend. The difference was a Sunday night broadcast by 60 Minutes about Congress being exempt from the insider trading laws that apply to other Americans who use non-public information to enrich themselves in the stock market (Mankato Free Press).

Minnesota Independent staffer says lefty news site is shutting down

Minnesota Independent editor/reporter Jon Collins says he has been laid off and parent organization American Independent News Network will close the local and other state sites (MinnPost). After MinnPost's David Brauer blogged about the closure Minnesota Independent CEO confirmed that the news operation was closing.

"I am writing today to announce the closure of the Minnesota Independent. After five years of operation in Minnesota, the board of the American Independent News Network, has decided to shift publication of its news into a single site, The American Independent at" -- David S. Bennahum

CEO & founder, The American Independent News Network.

Minnesotans lead nation in donating our time and money

Minnesota's 10,000 lakes aren't our only claim to fame: Those cabins around the lakes belong to some of the most philanthropic-minded residents in the nation (Star Tribune).

The dawn of Winter's Empire

Winter will now occupy our cities and roads, our rails and our minds. A generation will pass and Winter will cement its power. Only much later will the idea ferment that Winter may be defeated: Sprigs of warmth, green shoots of hope. It is then that the opposition will thaw Winter's Empire (Minnesota Brown).

Wis. DNR warns hunters to watch for cougar

State wildlife officials are warning deer hunters to keep an eye out for a cougar roaming west-central and northern Wisconsin (Outdoors with Sam Cook).

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