Statewide Blog

Ballast water battle, Parry and eggs, Cravaack “absent” on regional air service

House prepares to vote on ship ballast standard

Great Lakes shippers are particularly unhappy about New York rules that set live-organism limits 100 times tougher for existing ships than those under the international standard. For newly built ships, New York's standards would be 1,000 times stronger (AP).

Airport manager claims Cravaack 'absent' on airline issue

Airport Manager Steve Sievek expressed disappointment with what he saw as the lack of action by Rep. Chip Cravaack, R-Minn., as the Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport Commission deals with eventually replacing Delta Airlines (Brainerd Dispatch).

Stalled Vikings stadium bill gets new lease on life

A bipartisan group of lawmakers is working to revive the Vikings stadium issue. Several lawmakers who support a publicly-subsidized stadium met privately with Gov. Mark Dayton today and said they will present a bill soon that they hope will pass in a special session this year (MPR News).

Parry kicks off race for Congress in Winona

With Mike Parry were about 10 people, a few nibbling eggs and toast while others asked the Republican state senator from Waseca questions about his decision to challenge U.S. Rep. Tim Walz, D-Minn., for the state's 1st District congressional seat. About 30 others in the dining room listened at times (Winona Daily News).

A year before marriage vote, both sides play defense

A year from now, Minnesotans will vote on a proposed constitutional amendment that would define marriage as between one man and one woman (MPR News).

Bachmann blames "overweening" government regulation for banking crisis

As anger at Wall Street goes global, Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is fixing the blame on "overweening" government regulation, not reckless financial speculation by banks (Star Tribune).

TCF Bank Stadium guard fired after roughing up fans

A security guard at TCF Bank Stadium is fired for pushing, tripping, and knocking down fans trying to get on the field last Saturday (KSTP).

Mille Lacs walleye numbers fall below expectations

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources says recent netting assessments turned up fewer and smaller walleyes than last year. The DNR says the numbers are the second-lowest since monitoring began in 1983 (AP).

Arcadia seeks $24 million for new school

If the measure passes, district taxpayers would see property-tax bills increase the following year by $111 for each $100,000 of home value. Then, for an additional 19 years, residents would pay $244 more in taxes per $100,000 of home value (Winona Daily News).

Brewers' Cory Provus hired to announce for Twins

Listeners generally have liked Provus everywhere he has gone in a career that started at alma mater Syracuse in 1996. With his deep, smooth voice and descriptive style, he called multiple sports for Alabama-Birmingham before spending two years as a member of the Chicago Cubs broadcast team (Star Tribune).

Franken, Peterson, Conrad and Klobuchar call on American Crystal Sugar to resume negotiations

One day after 90 percent of union workers rejected the most recent contract offer by American Crystal Sugar, members of the region's congressional delegations are calling for both parties to return to the bargaining table (Minnesota Independent).

State revenues from proposed electronic pull tabs a gamble

Tax revenue from electronic pull tabs appears to have the broadest political support as a public funding source for a new Minnesota Vikings stadium. But there's no guarantee the new devices would bring in the cash state officials expect (MPR News).

Luring 'server farms': Minnesota targets a burgeoning industry that actually likes the cold

As it turns out, the state's cold climate, geological stability and distance from other major metropolitan centers are all huge potential selling points to companies looking for homes for new data centers (MinnPost).

Bachmann, Kline send letter to Senate to block gay soldiers from using military facilities

Reps. Michele Bachmann and John Kline were among the signers of a letter to the U.S. Senate urging that body to pass an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would prohibit gay members of America's Armed Forces from using military facilities for marriage ceremonies (Minnesota Independent).