NFL fears stalemate in Vikings stadium talks

National Football League officials came away from a meeting with Gov. Mark Dayton on Tuesday with a warning that at least two venues outside Minnesota could be the Vikings' new home if lawmakers here fail to find a finance package for the team's proposed new stadium.

League executive vice president Eric Grubman said the NFL fears a stalemate is in the offing, and could be a factor in relocating a team.

He also said that Los Angeles is nearly ready to host at least one NFL franchise.

"We now have two sites. We believe both those sites could be financed. One of those two sites has landmark legislation that streamlines the process," he said. "I don't if it is shovel ready, but it is close. And the second site is working on enabling legislation to streamline their process. So the missing element is now a franchise. In my memory, this has been the first time when all elements except a franchise have been assembled."

Grubman said that he was encouraged by what he heard, and said that the League hopes the Vikings can resolve their situation in Minnesota. But he said that the League won't wait much longer for the state to resolve its nearly decade-long stadium debate.

"NFL franchises are highly sought after," Grubman said. "Opening the door for [the Vikings exit] will happen if the process here yields a stalemate."