Local organizers readying similar protest as Manhattan demonstration

Organizers say they are readying to mount social protests similar to the massive demonstrations that have been going on for weeks in Manhattan.

Occupy Minnesota plans a gathering on Friday on the plaza in front of the Hennepin County Government Center. They will meet in advance of the effort at 6 p.m. Monday in nearby Stevens Square Park, 1801 Stevens Ave S., Minneapolis .

"The occupation doesn't have an end time," said Osha Karow, one of the organizers. "We ourselves here in Minnesota are coming up with a list of a few of our own demands, along with standing in solidarity with the demands of those on Wall Street."

The Occupy Wall Street protesters in New York have been calling for changes to the US financial system, immigration enforcement, corporate governance and financial institutions. Others have called for student loan reform and political change. The protest has gained traction and supporters in Boston, Los Angeles and Chicago, and demonstrations are also planned in Maryland, Texas, Arkansas, New Mexico and Iowa.

Protests in Manhattan have been going on for weeks and resulted in more than 700 arrests over the weekend.