Statewide Blog

Around MN: Uncle Sam short on change

Expectation lowered for federal help in Red River Valley flooding

Forum of Fargo-Moorhead | RED RIVER

Come hell, high water or partisan priorities, Minnesota Rep. Collin Peterson had pledged for months he'd secure $500 million in the 2012 farm bill toward water retention projects in the Red River Valley. Not so fast.

Also on MN Today

Dayton brings economic tour to Winona

"We have jobs here in Winona," said Tim Borkowski, Fastenal's vice president for manufacturing. "What we need is skilled laborers and engineers who are qualified for those jobs." (Winona Daily News)

Cravaack opposes New York ballast regulations

Rep. Chip Cravaack, R-North Branch, said the New York law could affect shipping in and out of Duluth and reduce jobs in the industry.Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan also have current and upcoming ballast water regulations, and the EPA is developing its own national standard expected to be announced later this year (Duluth News Tribune).

The invisible Erik Paulsen

Erik Paulsen has appeared or been mentioned on far fewer broadcasts than any member of the Minnesota U.S. House delegation, including freshman Republican Chip Cravaack, who has been in office only eight months during this span (Smart Politics).

Americans for Prosperity sets up shop in Minnesota

Americans for Prosperity, a Koch brothers-funded political group, announced that it has formed a chapter in Minnesota. The Kochs have been a major supporter of the tea party movement (Minnesota Independent).

Reinstated Virginia police chief to lead those who testified against him

"We all have to get past that now and figure out a way to move forward in the best interests of the city," Virginia Police Chief Dana Waldron said (Duluth News Tribune)

No cash for Minnesota boy's lucky hockey shot

A Minnesota boy who made an incredible hockey shot during a charity event won't collect the $50,000 prize because his twin brother should have taken the shot (Star Tribune).

Welcome to Duchess Harris, our newest Recommended Links contributor.

Six DFL challengers are vying for a Mpls Senate seat

In the weeks leading up to the Sept. 13 primary election for the Senate seat, six DFLers have lined up for a shot at the upper chamber (Politics in Minnesota).

University of Minnesota project aims to cut solar energy costs

Solar energy experts anticipate that more efficient solar cell technology under development at the University of Minnesota will lure private investment to the state and help speed solar energy's growth nationally (Finance and Commerce).

Duluth rock band in tune with video gamers

A local metal band is pitching its sound to a new demographic of fans: video gamers. Blue Water Dance, a growly hard-core trio from Duluth, had one of its songs translated into computer software compatible with the video game "Rock Band 3." The song, "Making Love," is now one of about 3,000 extra songs available for download on the Rock Band Network (Duluth News Tribune).

The Bachmann Files

Bachmann AWOL from N.H.

Michele Bachmann's campaign all but confirmed Wednesday what New Hampshire Republicans have suspected for weeks: the Minnesota congresswoman's political calculus no longer includes the first-in-the nation-primary state (Politico).

Feeling squeeze, Bachmann tries to extend her appeal

After straw poll win, she trails Romney and Perry while facing "electability" questions (Star Tribune).

Blog Box

How should we elect our judges?

It seems incumbent judges are the only folks pleased with the status quo in Minnesota's judicial election system. That's because nearly 90% of them go into each election unchallenged, and an even higher percentage of those who are challenged win reelection (True North).

The U of M: No longer a public university

Driven by massive budget cuts to the University of Minnesota, something shocking has happened. The U has ceased to be a government-supported institution and become a private college (MNpublius).

What Obama should do: a real jobs bill for America

As of yet Obama has yet to propose a jobs program and in Minneapolis he spoke of a tax credit to hire a vet. As typical, the proposal was too little, too modest, and lacking vision (Schultz's Take).

Great Lakes

Not-so fresh winter air

The fight for clean air in industrial cities has been taken to vehicle exhaust and billowing factories.

Now it's gone to the dogs. Or, more accurately, to their poop.

A recent study found that the winter air in Cleveland and Detroit had large amounts of bacteria most likely from dog feces (Great Lakes Echo).

MN Scenes

Nom nom nom by mb_wen via MPR Photos Flickr pool


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