Statewide Blog

Around MN: raising the roof


"Partisan Fail" by Colarusso via Flickr

Congress voted to raise the debt ceiling Monday night. Minnesota's delegation was split with four voting to support the measure and four against. The split wasn't among party lines.

Two Minnesota liberals, Democratic Reps. Keith Ellison and Betty McCollum, joined two conservatives, Republicans Michele Bachmann and Chip Cravaack, in opposition to raising the debt ceiling.

Bachmann has used her opposition as a regular talking point during stump speeches in early presidential primary and caucus states.

Cravaack also 's vote is seen vital to his political future. He narrowly won his seat in 2010. The Freshman Republican recently announced that his family is moving to New Hampshire, Cravaack said he'll continue to reside in the Eighth Congressional District. Unlike the vast majority of congressional races in 2012, Cravaack's race is considered competitive by political observers.

MPR's Brett Neely has a comprehensive breakdown of the vote.

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