Dayton says Vikings should contribute more to a new stadium

Gov. Mark Dayton said Monday he thinks the Vikings should increase their contribution to a new NFL stadium, beyond what the legislature has been discussing.

A bill introduced by Republican lawmakers earlier this month calls for the team to pay a third of the cost of a new stadium. Dayton said on MPR's Midmorning program that he'd like the team to pay 40 or 50 percent of the cost. He said he thinks that may be the practical limit for the team.

"They've got to be based on real-world assumptions," Dayton said. "I could say 100 percent and politically posture that way, but if I know it's totally unrealistic and I want to see the project succeed, I have to come back to a realm of reality."

Dayton also said that he'd like to add a car rental tax to the mix of stadium financing to help supplement potential sales and user taxes that lawmakers have already proposed.

A study outlining the costs of a new stadium could come from the Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission as early as this week.