Statewide Blog

American Crystal Sugar is ready for Roundup

The board of directors for American Crystal Sugar Co. has approved the use of Roundup Ready beet seed for the fourth consecutive year. Opponents to genetically modified food are expected to file a suit against the seed, but that didn't deter the nation's largest sugar beer co-op.

"We felt the legal risk remains but we feel (our) case is strong," American Crystal President David Berg told the Grand Forks Herald. "The USDA has provided an environmental assessment and said this is a safe technology and given us an agreement that we will live under."

Earlier this year MPR examined the political clout the Moorhead-based cooperative.

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Crow's second crest could be higher than first

Other rivers are not expected to be as dramatically affected by rain because their watersheds are larger than the Crow's (Star Tribune).

Fox Farm residents waiting for water to rise

In Grand Forks, the river levels may not be a problem. But just outside of town in the Fox Farm addition, the river is always on the back of people's minds (WDAZ).

Minnesota's second crest possibly higher than first

The Minnesota River has crested in Montevideo but was still rising slowly in Granite Falls. Both communities are maintaining active flood watches. There's an 80 to 90 percent chance the river will crest again next week at the same level or possibly a little higher, Montevideo City Manager Steve Jones said (West Central Tribune).

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Chronicles of Drazistan: enough with the green roofs, send more flood water

I'm not surprised that it took Steve Drazkowski so long to discover that running a large city often involves large dollar amounts (Bluestem Prairie).

Insight Now The Common Cents Online Forum

Friday, April 1 @ 12:30 - Talking K-12 Funding and K-12 Reforming


We have one more day to converse in our open thread.... then, on April 1 at 12:30 p.m., we hold court on the topic of reforming the public school system as the state debates how to pay for it.

This roundtable will include some people who study the K-12 system (Education|Evolving's Tim McDonald), some people who are grappling with public school education (Growth and Justice's Dane Smith who is on the governor's school finance working group). We also hope for a Department of Education official and others involved in school financing there too.

But experts include teachers, parents, students, adminstrators, those who pay taxes. In other words.... you. See the video intro. then click the button below to set a reminder for the discussion.

Join April 1 talk on K-12 reform & funding

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The Duluth/Arrowhead Economy - Google said no... but what do you say about its future

After a hard push by those who live in Duluth, Google made its choice for a place to spend million on a new ultra-fast broadband project. It was Kansas City that got the nod.

The goal of attracting Google didn't work. But there are many other changes happening in the Arrowhead that suggest an economic evolution is underway. Northeastern Minnesota is seeing new mining projects proposed, continued development along the North Shore, a growth of the health care sector and increasing numbers of self-employed workers. These present a fresh generation of choices. While the economy shows signs of life, the path to prosperity raises tough questions about jobs and quality of life.

The Northland's NewsCenter (KBJR-TV) and MPR News have joined forces for a face-to-face forum on April 5 on the economic future of Minnesota's Arrowhead. To learn more just click here.


But we'd like to get the ball rolling right now. Have a look at this set-up interview by KBJR's Barbara Reyelts who talked with two economists to get a handle on how the Arrowhead economy might be morphing. Then comment on our page.

Read-watch, then comment