Dayton skeptical of House education bill

Gov. Mark Dayton said that he doesn't like some components of the school funding bill passed by the House early Wednesday morning.

"Abolishing integration aid and abolishing the funding for special education is just not something I could support," Dayton said. "I'm glad they raised the per-pupil aid formula. That's something I recommended in my campaign. But I suggested doing it by increasing taxes on the very wealthiest Minnesotans."

Dayton stopped short of threatening to veto the bill, which also abolishes teacher tenure, bans teacher strikes and makes other changes to the way schools operate.

A letter from the state Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius said the bill didn't include any elements of Dayton's seven-point education agenda, other than an increase in early childhood education funding.

The Senate is expected to take up its education funding bill Thursday.