Statewide Blog

Flooding concerns rise

The Montevideo American-News sums up the concern for many Minnesotans this morning with this report, "The flood forecast ... keeps getting gloomier and gloomier with each passing week." Hasting's Echo Press warns "Flood of 2011 could be Hastings' second-worst on record." Gov. Mark Dayton will join the effort to raise flood awareness around the state next week as he meets with local government leaders and emergency officials around the state.

Fargo Mayor Dennis Walaker is trying to calm concerns over a worst-case scenario and said he's be "shocked" if Red River crests above 41 feet.

Also clicking on MN Today:

GOP plan hits agencies, social services

With an eye on reducing state spending, Republicans in the House and Senate released an outline for cuts to deal with a $5 billion budget shortfall and, as anticipated, among their targets is aid programs for local governments (Marshal Independent).

Romney aids Cravaack and other GOPers facing tough re-elections

Romney also cut checks to some of the unlikeliest winners of 2010 -- members like North Carolina Rep. Renee Ellmers, Texas Rep. Blake Farenthold and Minnesota Rep. Chip Cravaack, who will face exceedingly difficult reelection campaigns (Politico).

State: More wear on Interstate Bridge

State officials have stepped up patrols near Winona's Interstate Bridge after a sensor detected thousands of drivers breaking weight limits designed to protect the 69-old structure (Winona Daily News).

Comedian Gallagher collapses while performing at Rochester bar

Comedian and prop comic Gallagher is recovering after collapsing while performing at Whiskey Bones Roadhouse. He appeared to have suffered either a stroke or a heart attack. Gallagher collapsed while lifting the sledge hammer that is part of his signature "Sledge-O-Matic" sketch (Rochester Post-Bulletin).

Cutting LGA viewed at tax increase

State Sen. Gary Kubly, DFL-Granite Falls, said former Gov. Tim Pawlenty went against his "no new taxes" pledge with cuts to Local Government Aid that resulted in $3 billion in property tax increases for every Minnesota homeowner and business owner (Marshal Independent).

Blog Box Minnesota State Fair (and Al Franken! And Food on a Stick!) Comes to Brooklyn

New York's Bell House is hosting a Great Minnesota State Fair Affair complete with Minnesota food trucks and beers (wait, does that mean Hamm's!?), butter sculpting, and a food-on-a-stick competition that'll be judged by Senator Al Franken (Grub Street).