U of M boosting police patrols for homecoming weekend

The University of Minnesota is boosting police patrols around campus this weekend as students celebrate homecoming.

Jerry Rinehart, who's in charge of student affairs at the U, said officers from the Minneapolis and University of Minnesota police departments will be patrolling both on and off campus.

"So they'll be extra squads and patrols in the neighborhoods, making sure things are under control and that students are acting safely," Rinehart said.

Rinehart said private security officers will be patrolling fraternity row along University Avenue near campus to watch for problems.

Rinehart said they're also reminding students of the consequences of heavy drinking.

"Those are the folks we're most worried about and the most vulnerable to injuring themselves or injuring others or being the victim of an assault of some sort," he said. "The number one things students could do to keep themselves safe this weekend is not overdo the alcohol."

Two sexual assaults were reported at two different fraternities at the U of M during the last two weekends. Police are still investigating the incidents but don't believe they were related.