IP candidate for gov Hahn eyes divorce law reform

Independence Party gubernatorial candidate Rob Hahn says he'll make family law reform a key part of his agenda if he's elected.

Hahn said state law should start with the presumption of joint physical custody, which means children split their time with both divorcing parents. He said courts could deviate from a near-even split if the situation warranted a change.

If state law was more clear, that would prevent acrimony over child support that makes divorces more contentious, he said.

"Too often now ... we start with the presumption that sole custody is best for one parent and its up to the other parent to prove that they're fit to have shared custody," he said. "And I just don't think it should be that way."

Hahn said the state should require divorce education early in the legal process, speed up the legal proceedings in family court and consider opting out of federal child support enforcement.

Proposals to reform Minnesota's child custody laws have stalled at the Capitol.

Hahn said he is the non-custodial parent of two boys, but that the proposed changes would not apply retroactively to his own divorce.

Hahn is one of five candidates vying for the Independence Party nomination in the state primary on August 10.