They Might Be Giants on kids shows and science

They Might Be Giants
John Linnell (left) and John Flansburgh have been performing together since 1982 as They Might Be Giants, an alternative rock band that has spanned various genres throught its history.
Photo: Joshua Kessler

They Might be Giants might be the only band think who've appeared on Science Friday. That's not really a surprise to their many fans who love their smart and lately even scientific songs. And it may be hard to believe that it's been 20 years since this breakout hit from their album "Flood."

Just this summer, "Flood" hit the platinum sales mark. The longevity of their appeal continues for a new generation now, as they focus on projects for kids, likely kids of their original fans.

In September, they put out of their fourth children's album - "Here Comes Science." Today, they're in town to promote their newest sing-along book called - Kids Go! And, tonight they'll perform for a 14-plus crowd at First Avenue.

They Might Be Giants' founders John Flansburgh and John Linnell joined Tom Crann in the Maud Moon Wayerhauser studio to talk about their many projects.

They also performed live for The Current.