Two ex-Gang Strike Force officers suspended

The Ramsey County Sheriff's Office has disciplined two deputies in connection with the activities of the now-defunct Metro Gang Strike Force.

Deputy Paul Meskan was issued a 25 day suspension and Deputy Chris Tayson received a 10 day suspension for improperly handing evidence or seized property in connection with their work with the gang unit.

The 36-officer unit was disbanded in July, after the launch of an FBI investigation into alleged improprieties, including missing money, vehicles and paperwork connected with a wide variety of cases.

A statement issued by Ramsey County sheriff's spokeswoman Holli Drinkwine said Meskan had been mentioned in a state investigation into the unit, but that Tayson had volunteered his involvement in another incident that wasn't part of that investigation.

A Ramsey County sheriff's clerk assigned to the Gang Strike Force is also part of an ongoing investigation. Minneapolis and St. Paul police have declined to identify the gang officers being investigated in those departments.