MSU-Moorhead student tests positive for H1N1

Officials at Minnesota State University in Moorhead say a student has tested positive for H1N1 flu.

University spokesman Doug Hamilton says the student was diagnosed at a local hospital last week and is now back at school.

Hamilton says the university has a plan to contain the flu if additional cases develop.

"We are asking students who have the ability to if they are ill leave campus," he said. "But we do have a plan in place in the event that we have a number who cannot. There have been areas designated in our residence halls for essentially isolating those students from the general population."

Hamilton says students and staff are being encouraged to regularly wash their hands and use the same precautions they would during a typical flu season.

"We just need to be clear headed and level headed right now," he said. "The H1N1 virus appears to present itself very similarly to the seasonal flu. So what we're asking people to do is simply prudence."