Rally supporting Iranian protestors to be held in Minneapolis

Iranian Americans are organizing a rally in downtown Minneapolis on Wednesday to show support for protestors in Tehran.

Organizers think there are about 3,000 immigrant and second-generation Iranians in the Twin Cities, many of whom have been watching events in Tehran with great concern.

"It is horrible actually. The atrocities committed are horrendous," said Parham Alaei, one of the organizers. "Of course this is the age of the internet and all the images are transmitted so we can see them. There's a feeling of shock, sadness and a feeling that we should do something about it."

Organizers hope to show public support for the protesters in Iran and call for a peaceful resolution to the crisis in the country.

The rally will start at 11:30 a.m. On Wednesday, on the plaza in front of the Hennepin County Government Center between Third and Fourth streets.