Doctor chronicles disease and danger in new book


In 2003, a young Minnesota medical student headed to Sierra Leone on a humanitarian mission. He had one year of med school to go, he was researching the deadly Lassa virus and wanted to work in the world's only clinic dedicated to treating it.

The clinic is near the Liberian border and the conflict in that country regularly spills over into Sierra Leone. Dangerous virus, civil war, refugees, severly limited resources, it all makes for a combination of conditions that most of us would find unimaginable.

Ross Donaldson is a doctor now, and he has had some time to reflect on those days in 2003. He's chronicled his time spent under those conditions in his new book, "The Lassa Ward: One Man's Fight Against One of the World's Deadliest Diseases."

He joined Tom Crann to talk about the book and his experience in Sierra Leone.

Dr. Donaldson will read from the book at 7 p.m at the HarMar Barnes & Noble in Roseville.