Klobuchar is lone Minn. senator, for now

Amy Klobuchar
Until the contest between Norm Coleman and Al Franken for Minnesota's open Senate seat is decided, Sen. Amy Klobuchar is Minnesota's lone senator in Washington.
MPR Photo/Tom Scheck

Republican Norm Coleman announced this afternoon that his campaign is filing a lawsuit challenging the results of the U.S. Senate recount.

The State Canvassing Board certified the recount yesterday, with Democrat Al Franken ahead of Coleman by a margin of 225 votes.

Senator Coleman's term officially ended Saturday and his offices closed yesterday. So, for the time being, Minnesota has only one U.S. Senator.

Tom Crann talked to Senator Amy Klobuchar this afternoon from Washington D.C. He asked her whether she agreed with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who said today that Coleman should concede to Franken instead of challenging the recount in court.