Bachmann says bailouts have to stop

Michele Bachmann
Michele Bachmann gives her acceptance speech after winning the 6th district congressional race at the Minnesota Republican Party headquarters in the Sheraton Hotel in Bloomington, Minn.
MPR Photo/Chris Kelleher

Top executives of the Big Three automakers were back on Capitol Hill again today. They're making their case in the U.S. House for a $25 billion bailout to avert layoffs and plant closings. They went before the Senate yesterday.

GM's CEO said that the company is burning through cash, and that the emergency package would help his company "make it through this." Top Senate Democrats are now saying that the bailout package may be stalling.

We've been checking in the last few days with the members of Minnesota's congressional delegation to get their views on the progress of the federal bailout package for the financial industry, and the possibility of aid to the nation's automakers.

Today, 6th district Republican Michele Bachmann talked with Tom Crann about the changes in the bailout package. Bachmann serves on the House Financial Services Committee and voted against the bailout package when Congress voted on it.