Director of new documentary wanted to get inside Garrison Keillor's head

Garrison Keillor
Screenwriter and movie star Garrison Keillor is the subject of a new documentary "Garrison Keillor: the man on the radio in the red shoes."
MPR Photo/Brett Baldwin

A new documentary about Garrison Keillor starts a weeklong run at the Oak Street Cinema in Minneapolis tonight. "Garrison Keillor: The Man on the Radio in the Red Shoes" follows the humorist and radio host through many months of writing and performing.

Director Peter Rosen says the material was gathered primarily in 2005. He and his crew filmed on and off for 18 months.

Rosen told Minnesota Public Radio's Tom Crann the story is told in Keillor's own words, using both the footage shot for the film and archival material from 30 years of Prairie Home Companion.

The film will be aired on PBS in July of 2009 as part of the American Masters series.

In the meantime the film is being shown at film festivals ands art house theaters around the country.