Rep. Jim Ramstad talks about revised bailout bill

Jim Ramstad
Rep. Jim Ramstad said he will vote 'yes' on the revised bailout bill when it comes up for vote in the House of Representatives on Friday.
MPR Photo/Jim Ramstad

Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives will get a second chance to vote on a Wall Street bailout package.

The version approved by the Senate on Wednesday includes additional provisions like the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act to attract supporters.

For the last twelve years, Minnesota's 3rd District Congressman Jim Ramstad has been one of the Wellstone Act's chief proponents. The retiring Republican voted against the house package on Monday. Now he says he's going to support the Senate version of the plan.

Tom Crann spoke with Ramstad about his support for the bill. He said the Senate added more to the financial rescue plan than just the Wellstone Act.