Protesters sue to get closer to GOP convention

RNC banner
The banner outside the Xcel Center announces the arrival of the Republican National Convention in downtown St. Paul
MPR photo/Steve Mullis

(AP) - People planning protests during the Republican National Convention are suing in state court in an attempt to overturn restrictions on where they can assemble.

Two newly filed lawsuits in Ramsey County District Court claim that St. Paul city and police officials are restricting free speech rights by confining demonstrators to a designated assembly area.

The lawsuits cover the same ground, with one calling the public viewing area near the Xcel Energy Center "inadequate and unacceptably small."

Among the people behind the lawsuits is Coleen Rowley, an unsuccessful Democratic candidate for Congress in 2006 who gained attention as an FBI agent-turned-whistleblower after the 9/11 attacks.

Also involved are members of a group called Impeach for Peace, the Twin Cities Peace Campaign and the Welfare Rights Committee.

Previous legal challenges to GOP convention-related restrictions have been turned back in federal court.

"These two represent an attempt by the plaintiffs to get another bite at the apple in state court," said John Choi, the St. Paul city attorney.

He said the city has afforded "unprecedented access and accommodations for the protesters."

The restrictions were carefully crafted to balance public safety and free speech, he said.

City leaders announced last month that they would mark off at least 180,000 square feet of space diagonally across from the arena, where the Sept. 1-4 convention will be held.

They're providing a stage and microphone. Applications for stage time, which will be awarded through a lottery, were due Monday.

Bruce Nestor, a lawyer representing some of the protesters, said his clients object to the arrangement because "the city gets to manage free speech in the name of facilitating free speech."

"Frankly, they can talk about why they like furry animals," Nestor said. "One person gets as much time as 1,000 people."

Plaintiffs in the cases want a temporary injunction forcing the city to disclose more details about the security perimeter around the arena and they want to loosen other restrictions. No court date has been set.

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