Hennepin County courts ready for a busy Labor Day

Downtown Minneapolis. Three courtrooms in the public safety building will be available and staffed around the clock if necessary.
MPR Photo/Bo Hakala

Hennepin County courts could be in session on Labor Day to prevent a backlog of cases during the week of the Republican National Convention.

The RNC runs during the holiday through Sept. 4.

Although the convention will take place in St. Paul, many of those attending will be staying at hotels in Minneapolis and Bloomington.

In addition, former Republican candidate Ron Paul is holding a mini-convention at the Target Center.

Hennepin County Chief Judge James Swenson said the courts will be open to ensure there will be no backlog of cases going into the week of the RNC.

"So we've got a holiday, plus all this activity, if we weren't ready to handle cases on Sunday if necessary, and on Labor Day, we'd be left with a major mess the following Tuesday," Swenson said.

Swenson said three courtrooms in the public safety building will be available and staffed around the clock if necessary.

The courts in St. Paul have set up a similar operation.