Last day to file

Norm Coleman filing
The incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman filing for reelection at the Secretary of State's office on Monday July 14, 2008.
MPR Photo/Mark Zdechlik

Candidates have until 5 p.m. today to file for political office this year.

Reporters are camped out at the Secretary of State's office in St. Paul to check out the last-minute filers.

There's no sign of former governor Jesse Ventura, who told CNN last night that he will not run for Minnesota's senate seat, although he left the door slightly open to changing his mind today.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee and the campaign of DFL Senate candidate Al Franken also have staffers at the State Office Building, waiting to see who else decides to run.

Secretary of State Mark Ritchie says the deadline is firm.

"We're open until five, and today is the last day. No fudging on that. No putting paper over the clocks. None of that. And within just a few minutes, we will have processed, by way of our computer systems, all the filings," Ritchie said.

Candidates can still file in person or through a messenger. Senate candidates need to pay a $400 filing fee or collect 2,000 signatures on a petition to get their name on the ballot.