Major rain events are happening more frequently

Mississippi River towns brace for major flooding
Missouri Army National Guard Staff Sgt. Matthew Crounse, left, and Sgt. Darrell Rankin patrol the top of the levee next to the flooding Mississippi River June 17, 2008, in Clarksville, Missouri.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

President Bush visits the Mississippi River region today and is promising government aid to flood-wearing residents.

The federal government says 20 to 30 more levees may overflow along the Mississippi River. Twenty levees have already overflowed this week.

It's been a particularly tough month as heavy rains have flooded communities and forced evacuations in at least six Midwestern states. It seems as if the flooding is as bad as it's ever been, and experts say it just might be.

Barry Drazkowski is one of them. He is director of Geospatial Services at St. Mary's University in Winona. He spoke with Minnesota Public Radio's Cathy Wurzer.