MnSCU tuition needs attention

Mankato campus
The campus of Minnesota State University Mankato.
MPR Photo/Art Hughes

Tuition for state colleges and universities is a matter of concern, according to a new Web information tool the MnSCU system launched yesterday.

Among the 10 areas the data collection site will ultimately measure, tuition ranks in the area labeled "needs attention."

The Accountability Dashboard Web site is designed to give students, MnSCU leaders and elected leaders information to help guide decisions about resources and goals.

MnSCU Chancellor James McCormick said the move is an effort to be proactive in being accountable.

"The cost of college continues to rise. Students, parents, lawmakers, business leaders and taxpayers are increasingly skeptical that America's colleges and universities can produce the number and quality of graduates this country needs to maintain America's competitive edge," McCormick said.

The information, compiled and ranked by MnSCU staff, also measures areas such as accessibility, students' success, and the system's facilities.