MnSCU board approves tuition increases

SCSU sign
Saint Cloud State University sign
MPR photo/Tim Post

The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees has approved the lowest tuition increases in a decade.

The MnSCU board voted Wednesday on proposed average tuition increases of 2 percent at state colleges and 3 percent at state universities next year.

It means students at the 25 state colleges will pay an average tuition of $4,080, or $79 more than last year. University students will pay an average of $5,561, or $162 more.

MnSCU officials say the recent legislative budget agreement will reduce the system's appropriation increase for the coming year by about 1 percent.

In addition, MnSCU Chancellor James McCormick says the bonding bill that passed in April will provide the system with the largest amount it's ever received for repairs, renovation and construction.