Vernon Bellecourt laid to rest in White Earth

White Earth chair Erma Vizenor
White Earth chairwoman Erma Vizenor.
MPR Photo/Tom Scheck

Late American Indian activist Vernon Bellecourt was laid to rest Wednesday on the White Earth reservation in northern Minnesota. Bellecourt died last weekend in Minneapolis from complications from pneumonia.

He was a member of the White Earth Nation -- and a leader in the Minneapolis-based American Indian Movement since its founding in the 1960s.

Bellecourt led protests, raised money, and campaigned around the world for the rights of American Indians. His protests were sometimes dramatic.

In recent years he was arrested for burning an image of the Cleveland Indians' baseball mascot before a 1997 World Series game. He has also paid visits to world leaders the U.S. government strongly opposes.

White Earth Nation Chairwoman Erma Vizenor was at the funeral. She talked to host Tom Crann about Bellecourt's legacy.