"The Great Gatsby" opens at the Guthrie

Director David Esbjornson
David Esbjornson, left, works with actors Christina Baldwin and Erik Heger in rehearsal for F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby," which opens the new Guthrie Theater July 21.
Photo by Michal Daniel, courtesy of the Guthrie Theater

The Guthrie Theater's first play at its new location has Minnesota ties from many parts of the state.

First, there's the theater itself, a $125 million building that recently celebrated its opening in Minneapolis.

Then, there's the opening play, an adaptation of St. Paul native F. Scott Fitzgerald's famous novel "The Great Gatsby." And finally, there's the director, David Esbjornson, who hails from Wilmar, Minnesota.

Esbjornson was named the artistic director of the Seattle Repertory Theater about a year ago. He just couldn't resist the offer to come back home and direct the Guthrie's first play in its new building.

"The Great Gatsby" opens Friday night and will run for almost two months. MPR's Cathy Wurzer talked with director David Esbjornson.