A birder's poem

American goldfinch
An American goldfinch. Its call sounds something like: "Potato chips, potato chips, potato chips."
Photo courtesy of Huntingon University

Here are the phrases that birders use to identify bird calls:

Yellow warbler: Sweet, sweet, summer sweet.

White-throated sparrow: Oh sweet Canada, Canada, Canada.

Black-throated blue warbler: I am so lazy.

Olive-sided flycatcher: Quick-three-beers!

Golden-cheeked warbler: Lazy daisy.

Chestnut-sided warbler: Pleased, pleased to meet you!

Great horned owl: Who? Who? Who?

Prairie chicken: Old Man Muldoon, Muldoon, Muldoon.

Blue jay: Jay! Jay! Jay!

Tufted titmouse: Peter! Peter! Peter!

Red-eyed vireo: Here I am, way up here, see me?

Black-capped chickadee: Here sweety.

Least sandpiper: Creeep! Creeep! Creeep!

Warbling vireo: I'll grab you and I'll hold you and I'll squeeze you til you squirt!

Ovenbird: Teacher! Teacher! Teacher!

Whip-poor-will: Whip-Poor-Will, whip-Poor-Will.

Great-crested flycatcher: Weep, weep, weep!

American bittern: Plum puddin, plum puddin, plum puddin!

American goldfinch: Potato chips, potato chips, potato chips.

Carolina wren: Tea kettle, tea kettle, tea kettle!

Ash-throated flycatcher: Tea-for-two, tea-for-two!

Rufous-sided towhee (Eastern towhee): Drink your tea!

Barred owl: Who-cooks-for-you-all?

Eastern meadowlark: See-you, see-year!