MPR News Update

Good afternoon. Steve Bannon is out of the White House. The Trump administration described the chief strategist's departure as a mutual agreement between Bannon and John Kelly, the chief of staff. | Full story
Good afternoon. President Trump's Manufacturing Advisory Council is no more, following 3M CEO Inge Thulin's announcement that he was quitting the panel. He was just one of several CEOs who left in the wake of Trump's response to the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville last weekend. | Full story
Good afternoon. Racist skinhead and neo-Nazi groups have a statewide presence in Minnesota, and they're just two of 10 active hate groups in the state. That's according to the Southern Poverty Law Center's latest Hate Map. Read more on NewsCut.
Good afternoon. President Trump earlier today gave a new, more forceful statement on Saturday's deadly clashes in Charlottesville, Va. The president had been under pressure all weekend after he criticized violence on "many sides" rather than condemning and naming hate groups. Here's what Trump is saying now. | NewsCut: Fargo family rejects Charlottesville protester
Good afternoon! New evidence is calling into question the reliability of temperament tests widely used to help assess whether it's safe to send a dog home with an adoptive family. Unreliable results can result in a harmless dog being euthanized or a family being put at risk. | Forecast
Good afternoon! Anybody can support the rights of people we like. But it takes a true American patriot to recognize that the rights granted by the Constitution should be argued and defended on behalf of those we despise, too. Something to keep in mind when considering the ACLU's decision to defend provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos in a recent lawsuit, writes MPR News blogger Bob Collins. | NewsCut | Forecast
Good afternoon! The Maine farm where E.B. White penned his beloved classic, "Charlotte's Web," is now for sale. There's been no word on the spelling talents of any spiders on the property. | The Thread | Forecast
Good afternoon! A senior software engineer reportedly has been fired by Google after a memo he wrote criticizing diversity initiatives was leaked and sparked protests on social media. Some are claiming that Google violated the man's First Amendment rights. "It should go without saying that there's no constitutional right in your private company to accommodate your misogyny, though it can hardly be surprising that James Damore believes he's got one," writes MPR News blogger Bob Collins. | NewsCut | Forecast
Good morning! Sunny, with patchy fog this morning. Highs in the mid-70s to lower 80s. Some people are better than others at predicting the future. You could be one of them. To be clear, we're not talking about correctly guessing lottery numbers, but about the kind of practical predictions that people make every day when it comes to business, finance and human behavior Here's how. | Forecast | Updraft weather blog
Good afternoon! After a man was caught shoplifting clothes for an interview, a Toronto police officer proved sometimes you have to throw the book away. | NewsCut | Forecast