MPR News Update

Good morning! We get another taste of July today before rain and a cold front move in. A high of around 84. Who saw this coming earlier this year? The Twins are now tied for first place in the American League Central division with the Kansas City Royals. | Forecast
Minnesota lawmakers have until June 30 to work out their differences. In the meantime, here are five things you need to know.
From NewsCut: The Minnesota Court of Appeals on Tuesday struck down Minnesota's defamation law, ruling that a Minnesota's man revenge post on Craigslist is protected speech.
Arts reporter Euan Kerr shares a few final thoughts about the Minnesota Orchestra's recent trip to Cuba. Check out: Dispatches from Cuba.
Environmental advocates upset about a budget bill that includes several controversial policy provisions picketed the governor's mansion today. DFL Gov. Mark Dayton had a few surprises for the crowd.
The Minnesota Orchestra's historic trip to Cuba captured international attention. Here are 50 photographs not to miss. Need more photos, videos, stories and sounds from the trip? Check out: Dispatches from Cuba.
Minnesota lawmakers are hustling to pass their remaining budget bills before a midnight deadline. Follow our political reporters for the latest: Catharine Richert, Tom Scheck, and Tim Pugmire.
Special treat tonight: ClassicalMPR features a live broadcast of the Minnesota Orchestra from Cuba. And here's one more thing you might enjoy: Kerri Miller's book pick of the week, which is found exclusively in the Thread's email newsletter.
Stay in tune with the Minnesota Orchestra during its historic trip to Cuba. | Dispatches from Cuba. | Live broadcasts are set for Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. CDT. | Listen.