MPR News Update

The best meteor shower of the year will light up the night skies this week. Are you ready for Perseids time?
A two-wheeled sensation is sweeping the nation: The bicycle. These 10 books roll through the history of cycling and cover everything from conflicts on the road to cross-country journeys. More books coverage from The Thread.
Walk through the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden this summer, and you'll see cranes and forklifts alongside the art. Work is now underway on a major renovation of the 11-acre site. The dramatic transformation is expected to be unveiled in 2017.
Jon Stewart hosts his final "Daily Show" tonight. Here's a look back at Minnesota's moments in the hot seat. | Newseum will acquire set of 'Daily Show'
TONIGHT IN MINNEAPOLIS: Reflections on Race, One Year After Ferguson Aug. 9 marks one year since Michael Brown's death in Ferguson, Mo. — and the beginning of a national conversation about race, policing and inequality. Join MPR News host Tom Weber to reflect on the year, and look to what's next. | Details: 7-8:30 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.), Neighborhoods Organizing for Change, 1101 W. Broadway Ave., Minneapolis
The final polls are in and the stage is set for Thursday night's first Republican presidential debate. Here's a look at who's in and who's out. | Election 2016
You can count NewsCut among the big fans of signs going up around St. Paul to honor the city's fallen firefighters. The signs mark the location where a fire department member died in the line of duty.
Thought the last few weekends of road construction in the Twin Cities were bad? Here are the main closures starting tonight on I-94 and other roads.
Did you know roughly 30-some percent of all households in the United States have a cat? For all those feline fans, here's how your cat's purrs are not-so-secretly controlling you.
Gov. Mark Dayton is proposing a special session sometime next month to consider an emergency financial aid package for businesses in the Lake Mille Lacs area. Meanwhile, NewsCut writer Bob Collins asks: Should taxpayers bail out Lake Mille Lacs resorts?