MPR News Presents

Speeches, documentaries and debates.

CaringBridge CEO on keeping the customer first
MPR economics commentator Chris Farrell speaks with Liwanag Ojala. She's the CEO of CaringBridge, which offers free personalized websites for the family and friends of people facing health challenges.
Writer says NCAA is a cartel making billions
On the eve of the NCAA basketball tournament, Joe Nocera concludes that the NCAA is nothing more than a cartel whose rules are fundamentally designed to ensure that the players have no money, no rights and no power.
How government policy disfavors the young
Economist Diana Furchtgott-Roth says millennials will have a more difficult time achieving success than young people had in the past because government policies benefit older people and leave the young with few choices and a mountain of debt.
Teaching artificial intelligence to behave is challenging, but crucial
Entrepreneur and Stanford researcher Jerry Kaplan says machines are already doing what used to require human attention or intervention, but we need to figure out a way to make these machines - or robots - act in a socially appropriate way when they're around humans.
Universities confront painful past and ties to slavery
Writer Ta-Nehisi Coates and the president of Harvard University Drew Gilpin Faust say universities and other institutions need to come to terms with their complicity in slavery, and seek ways to make amends.
Are charter schools the answer to America's public education challenges?
The new education secretary is a champion of charter schools. Are charter schools the answer to America's public education challenges? A new debate from the Intelligence Squared series explores the issues.