MPR News Presents

Speeches, documentaries and debates.

IQ2 debate: Will coronavirus reshape the world order in China's favor?
How might coronavirus reshape geopolitics? For some, the answer is clear: China is on the rise. While Washington embraces “America first” and abdicates its global leadership role, they argue, Beijing is stepping up to fill the void.
BBC special: America Beyond Black and White
With America engulfed again by protests against police brutality and racial discrimination, in this BBC Special “America: Beyond Black and White,” host Rajini Vaidyanathan brings together a group of African American writers to discuss how America might move beyond its current racial turmoil.
Child psychologists on helping children process pandemics and crises
Kids understand that COVID-19 has changed nearly everything. School, camps and activities are online, some parents are working at home or have lost their job, and danger seems everywhere. Two child psychology experts share their insights about managing stress and anxiety.