MPR News Presents

Speeches, documentaries and debates.

Climate change, the environmental movement and racism
Air pollution, severe weather and the economic upheaval brought on by climate change has a serious impact on people of color and their communities, yet their voices are often left out of policy responses and market solutions. Can there be a green movement that is inclusive and actively anti-racist?
APM Marketplace special: Reimagining the Economy
David Brancaccio and Kimberly Adams of Marketplace host this special report, “Reimagining the Economy,” exploring what a new reimagined economy might look like and how we might get there.
COVID-19 crisis as a catalyst for innovation and equity in health care
Will the COVID-19 pandemic prove to be a catalyst for innovation and greater equity in health care? U of M professor Larry Jacobs of the Humphrey School of Public Affairs moderates a discussion with three guests.
APM Reports documentary, 'What the Words Say: Why so many kids don't understand what they read'
Everyone agrees the goal of reading instruction is for children to understand what they read. The question is: How do they get there? APM Reports tackles that question in their documentary: “What the words say: why so many kids don’t understand what they read.”
President Lyndon B. Johnson's 'We shall overcome' speech for passage of Voting Rights Act
To mark the 55th anniversary of the day President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act, hear a personal and impassioned televised speech he gave to Congress, often remembered as his "We shall overcome" speech.
Humankind documentary: Judicial Independence
Have our courts – intended by America’s founders to be an independent arbiter of justice – turned into another political battlefield? Are today’s judges mere “politicians in robes?” The appointment of judges looms large as we head toward Election Day. This program reconstructs the wild history of how we got into this dilemma, which has left bitter feelings on all sides.
APM Reports: The Living Legacy — Black Colleges in the 21st Century
Before the civil rights movement, African Americans were largely barred from white-dominated institutions of higher education. And so Black Americans, and their white supporters, founded their own schools, known as Historically Black Colleges and Universities. In this documentary, we hear first-person testimony from students about why they chose an HBCU; and we travel to an HBCU that’s in the process of reinventing itself wholesale.
APM Reports: The Living Legacy — Black Colleges in the 21st Century
Before the civil rights movement, African Americans were largely barred from white-dominated institutions of higher education. And so Black Americans, and their white supporters, founded their own schools, known as Historically Black Colleges and Universities. In this documentary, we hear first-person testimony from students about why they chose an HBCU; and we travel to an HBCU that’s in the process of reinventing itself wholesale.
APM Reports documentary, Covid on Campus
APM Reports documentary, “Covid on Campus.” Coronavirus disrupts higher education, magnifies inequities and accelerates change.