MPR News Presents

Speeches, documentaries and debates.

Medtronic CEO Omar Ishrak on global opportunities in health
Medtronic Chairman and CEO Omar Ishrak speaks about the challenges and opportunities to close the global disparity in access to biomedical technologies that can alleviate pain, restore health and extend life.
Giving Thanks, by MPR's John Birge
MPR's annual Thanksgiving tradition, a "Giving Thanks" program by John Birge. It features voices and music for the holiday, including the late Maya Angelou, Nikki Giovanni, Garrison Keillor and more.
Mayo Transform: Dr. Elisabeth Rosenthal and Mark Bertolini
A New York Times reporter, who is a medical doctor, and the head of one of the nation's largest insurance companies agree on one thing: America's health care system doesn't work. Especially for patients. Dr. Elisabeth Rosenthal wrote the series, "Paying Till It Hurts." She and Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini shared their insights at the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation's 2014 "Mayo Transform" conference.
American RadioWorks documentary about Freedom Summer
President Obama awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom to three young civil rights workers, James Chaney, Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman. The award was posthumous, because they were killed fifty years ago in what was known as "Freedom Summer." Hear the American RadioWorks documentary.
Live National Press Club: Anthony Fauci of NIH on Ebola
Dr. Anthony Fauci gives the latest information about the spread of Ebola and the global efforts to contain and treat it. He's the head of infectious diseases for the National Institutes of Health and is a recognized authority worldwide.
Minnesota Peace Initiative discusses global turmoil
The Norway House Minnesota Peace Initiative asks local experts Brian Atwood, Tom Hanson, John Radsan and Susan Cornell Wilkes to address this question: "What is happening in this world, and what do I make of it?"
David Rubenstein on Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
On this day in 1863 President Abraham Lincoln gave what's become known as "The Gettysburg Address." This hour, a talk about what are considered TWO of the greatest presidential speeches in American history: Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Adress and John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address.
The Why Factor: Patriotism
A documentary about patriotism from the BBC series "The Why Factor," to mark the centennial of the beginning of World War I. What makes us loyal to a nation? What motivates people to serve their country and make sacrifices for something bigger than ourselves?
Chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission  at the National Press Club
Live broadcast from the National Press Club. The chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Allison Macfarlane discussues the safety of nuclear power plants and the storage of nuclear waste. Minnesota gets 22 percent of its electricity from nuclear power.