MPR News Presents

Speeches, documentaries and debates.

American RadioWorks documentary: No Place for a Woman
A Minnesota lawyer who spent his career fighting against discrimination has died. Paul Sprenger successfully handled a major sex discrimination case against the University of Minnesota and the sexual haraassment suit against Eveleth Taconite on Minnesota's iron range. It was the first successful sexual harassment class-action lawsuit in the nation. In 2005 MPR's Stephanie Hemphill and Catherine Winter produced a documentary about it, "No Place for a Woman."
Live coverage of the mass shootings at a magazine office in Paris, from the BBC's "World Have Your Say" program. French president Francois Hollande called it a terrorist "act of indescribable barbarity."
Dr. Atul Gawande on 'The Idea of Wellbeing.'
Dr. Atul Gawande gives the fourth in a series of BBC Reith Lectures on the future of medicine. Today's focuses on the idea of wellbeing. The internationally renowned surgeon, best-selling author and New Yorker writer says the role of doctors isn't just to ensure health and survival, it's to enable wellbeing and keep in mind the reasons people want to be alive.
Hear Mario Cuomo's 1984 convention speech
The keynote address given by Mario Cuomo at the 1984 Democratic National Convention. He told the delegates and nationwide audience it should be "etched into our governmental commandments: thou shalt not sin against equality." Mario Cuomo concluded by saying, "Please make this nation remember how futures are built." Mario Cuomo died New Year's Day. Hear his best speech, and an MPR interview with Walter Mondale.
John Lewis on Selma, civil rights and his life's work
Civil rights icon John Lewis spoke at the 2014 Aspen Ideas Festival where he said, "Speak up. Speak out and get in the way. Get in trouble. Good trouble. Necessary trouble. That's what I've been doing for more than fifty years and I will continue to do it." John Lewis spoke about his book, "March: Book 1" with Gwen Ifill of the PBS Newshour.
Garrison Keillor keynote address on local and family history
Radio broadcaster, humorist, playwright and author Garrison Keillor gives the keynote address at the national meeting of the American Association for State and Local History, held in St. Paul September 18, 2014.
Neuropsychologist Rick Hanson on 'Hardwiring Happiness'
Neuropsychologist Rick Hanson says the brain's hard-wired "negativity bias" helped ancient animals survive, but can pose obstacles to a happy life. Some tips on how to overcome that, from the author of "Hardwiring Happiness."
Maya Angelou at 1984 Westminster Town Hall Forum
Remembering an American icon who died this year, with a broadcast of the Westminster Town Hall Forum from 1984. Maya Angrlous, the celebrated poet, author, actress, playwright and human rights activist died in May 2014 at the age of 86.