MPR News Presents

Speeches, documentaries and debates.

Aspen Ideas Festival: The four sources of happiness
What's included in the Declaration of Independence? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Americans aren't promised happiness, just the pursuit of it. At the 2015 Aspen Ideas Festival, several psychologists suggest that our old notions of happiness aren't true today.
Julian Bond narrates MPR documentary, 'O Freedom Over Me'
A 1994 MPR documentary "O Freedom Over Me," narrated by one of Freedom Summer's principal organizers Julian Bond. Bond said the 1964 Freedom Summer was "a peaceful program to bring democracy to Mississippi."
Intelligence Squared debate: ISIS must be defeated
A new Intelligence Squared debate. The motion is "Containment is not enough: ISIS must be defeated." Four former State and Defense Department officials debate. YES: Michele Flournoy and Philip Zelikow. NO: Anne-Marie Slaughter and Dov Zakheim.
Julian Bond speech  on justice, equality and peace
Remembering Julian Bond, who spent his entire adult life working for equality and justice. The civil rights leader reflected on the movements of the 1960s, in a Minnesota speech in 2008 where he said the era's greatest legacy was a questioning of authority and a repudiation of the status quo.
New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu at National Press Club
Ten years ago Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans and nearly two thousand people died. Many residents were displaced and never returned. Billions of dollars were spent to help those who remained. Mayor Mitch Landrieu speaks at the National Press Club about urban renewal, race, poverty and the American south.
Mitch McConnell: The Senate is back on track
Elected officials need to "see what they can agree on, and do that," says Mitch McConnell, the top Senate Republican leader. He spoke at an Aspen Institute event last week.
Aspen Ideas Festival: Robert Putnam on 'Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis'
In his new book, "Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis," Robert Putnam explores what's happened to the land of opportunity, and has some ideas about how to restore it. He says we're moving toward an America that none of us has ever lived in: where being rich, or being poor, is inherited. 2015 Aspen Ideas Festival.
Criminal law professor Adam Benforado says there's plenty of evidence that our system of justice is fundamentally broken. And well-intentioned police, lawyers, judges and juries can make terrible and lasting errors.
Intelligence Squared debate: A right to be forgotten online?
Do individuals have a right to remove links with personal information about themselves? If it's allowed, it's seen as a victory for privacy and human dignity. But is it a blow to free speech and the free flow of public information? IQ2 debate: "Should the US adopt a right to be forgotten online?"