MPR News Presents

Speeches, documentaries and debates.

'Becoming Bernie: The Rise and Record of Bernie Sanders'
The life and politics of Vermont Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. The program from Vermont Public Radio explores his childhood growing up in New York and his political activism during college and throughout his adult life.
Understanding Europe's Refugee Crisis
A special report this hour features experts and audiences in New York and Berlin. What are the lessons of the current crisis? And what can Europe learn from the American experience? The U.S. has a long history of immigration, but Europe has a history of out-migration. "Understanding Europe's Refugee Crisis," from America Abroad.
American RadioWorks documentary: From Boots to Books: Student Veterans and the New GI Bill
This American RadioWorks documentary explores how the GI Bill of 1944 revolutionized the lives of millions of young veterans, institutions of higher education, and American society at large. But America's economic and academic systems have changed, and veterans today are returning to a very different reality than their predecessors.
Author John Irving on his own 'exceedingly boring life'
"You don't get to choose your nightmares," author John Irving told the crowd at Talking Volumes. "You don't get to choose what you're afraid of." His latest novel, his fourteenth, is "Avenue of Mysteries."
A debate from the Intelligence Squared series. Federal money for roads, bridges and mass transit comes from the Highway Trust Fund, which is running out of money. The federal gas tax of 18.4 cents a gallon hasn't been increased in more than two decades. Should the feds raise the gas tax, or should the government set better priorities?
VA secretary live at the National Press Club
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert McDonald addresses the National Press Club in Washington and answers questions about accountability, mismanagement and "incompetent" employees in the $160 billion federal health care system for more than 4.5 million veterans.
Norm Ornstein: Congress becoming 'tribalized'
One of the country's most prominent political analysts, Minnesota native Norm Ornstein says America's politics are becoming dangerously "tribalized," where the other side is not just an adversary, but an enemy.