MPR News Presents

Speeches, documentaries and debates.

The future of Europe: A debate from Davos
Two developments in Europe -- the ongoing influx of refugees, and the ISIS-inspired terror attacks in Paris -- have Europeans facing off about fundamental questions. Should Europe welcome or reject refugees? Should it keep open borders? How can Europe protect its citizens without betraying its principles?
Humankind documentary: 'The Power of Nonviolence'
Concluding the week of Martin Luther King's birthday with a documentary called "The Power of Nonviolence." Mounting levels of violence here and abroad have been fueled by religious and racial tensions. After a mass shooting, So. Carolina church members offered forgiveness to unlock the vicious cycle of retaliation and revenge. The stories of peacemakers.
Less equal than ever?
The Commonwealth Club of California and The Nation magazine convened a panel of economists and activists to discuss how income inequality affects our politics, our economy, our society and our democracy. Featuring Robert Reich, Van Jones, Ai-jen Poo, Katrina vanden Heuvel and LaDoris Cordell.
Intelligence Squared debate: Should the US let in 100,000 Syrian refugees?
The Congress, the presidential candidates and the American people are debating whether to take in refugees from the Syrian Civil War. What are our moral obligations, and what are the cultural, economic and security issues that must be taken into account? The motion is: "Should the US let in 100,000 Syrian refugees?"
Documentary about Flint water crisis: 'Not Safe to Drink'
A Michigan Radio documentary about the water crisis in Flint. Some of the drinking water there is so seriously contaminated that the lead levels could qualify as hazardous waste, and it was so corrosive it was damaging auto parts at GM. Lead causes serious brain damage in children. How did this happen?
MLK special: Deval Patrick keynote and Martin Luther King's 1962 National Press Club address
Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick gives the keynote address at the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Breakfast in Minneapolis; King speaks at the National Press Club July 19, 1962.
Historian Edward Larson on the 'Scopes Monkey Trial'
Edward Larson with a history lesson that still resonates today. The battle between religion and science, and individual liberty versus majority rule. It came to the fore in the 1920's with a controversy over teaching evolution in the schools. The famous "Scopes Monkey Trial" featured renowned attorney Clarence Darrow and populist William Jennings Bryan.
House Armed Services chair Mac Thornberry on national security
The Republican chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Mac Thornberry, says the next commander in chief is going to "inherit a whale of a mess." He wants the world to know that nobody can take the place of the USA as a leader for good in the world. He spoke at the National Press Club on January 14th.